RECAP: Ethiopia

Miss a post on Ethiopia or want to plan your own travels there? I’ve linked to them all in one handy place. Click away to read more.

Travel Jitters: Arriving in Ethiopia

Details of my arrival in Ethiopia and several days in Addis Ababa, the capital city. This is the first time I’ve ever been truly intimidated to travel somewhere.


My Cinema Experience in Ethiopia

Picture this: I’m the only non-Ethiopian in a movie theater full of locals, and we’re watching a flick about American culture. Today’s post is about this culturally surreal experience.


Introducing Omo Valley

It’s our first day in Omo Valley and we’re hoping to see a bull jump ceremony — sort of like an Ethiopian bah mitzvah. We’re not so successful but the landscape more than makes up for it.


Stop: It’s Hamar Time

We encounter the Hamar tribe in rural Ethiopia today and learn how to navigate the uncomfortable aspects of tribal visits.


Karo Tribe Visit

Our next stop in Ethiopia is the Karo tribe by a river in southern Omo Valley. They’re ready for us in full face paint.


Passing Through Jinka

After a day of tribal visits, we spend the night in Jinka. Here’s photo highlights of our day.


Mursi Tribe and Lip Plates

We visit our last tribe in Omo Valley — the Mursi people, visibly distinguished by lip plates worn by tribeswomen. This brings up an important question: is tourism perpetuating aspects of their culture that might otherwise disappear?


Wrapping up Omo Valley

Today we wrap up our Omo Valley experience with a scenic drive back to Arba Minch. Check out the vistas, food, and kids doing handstands on the side of the road.


Crocs, Hippos, and Pelicans… Oh My

We spend our last day in Arba Minch on a scenic cruise in search of crocs and hippos. We find them in spades and encounter local fishermen on the water.


Expense Report: Ethiopia

So how much did ten days in Ethiopia set me back? I’ve tracked my spending and laid it all out in this expense report.


How I Should’ve Planned My Trip to Ethiopia

Confession: I did a terrible job planning my Ethiopian itinerary. Here’s what I’d do differently.


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