Zorbing New Zealand!

Zorbing sounds like a made-up name for some crazy activity. Sure enough, it’s a popular adventure sport in New Zealand — the idea is to roll down a hill inside a giant ball.

These sheep see it everyday and I can only imagine what they’re thinking. “Oh those crazy humans… what will they think of next?”




My friend Allison and I pick the OGO company because of a deal they have with our hostel in Rotorua. There are two ways to try zorbing: you can either be strapped down spread-eagle inside the ball as it tumbles down the hill (the dry option) or you can float inside a ball filled with warm water (the wet option). My friend Allison and I choose the latter; I think we pay around $50 each to go on one run together. Initially we are concerned that it’s dangerous for two people to float inside one ball together — what if we accidentally throw an elbow and injure each other? But our fears are waylaid when we watch a video of two people zorbing; they move together as the ball rolls and there’s no opportunity for accidental jostling. The tour operator says it’s safer than his driving!

We watch a few others try it as we gear up for our turn. Can you see people inside the balls rolling down the hill?


The course in the photo above is straight downhill for 250 meters. But we pick the winding course which is 350 meters; the brochure describes it as “the longest zorbing course in New Zealand… and probably the universe.”

Here’s a wider shot to show the longer course, which winds down the hill like the Lombard Street of zorbing.





At the bottom of the hill you slide out that little hole like you’re coming out of the womb of a giant inflatable wet ball.

(I truly apologize for that imagery.)

Then jump for joy!


Now it’s time for Allison and I to give it a shot. Here goes nothing! Check out our video footage for a laugh. Don’t mind me screaming my head off for most of it; it really wasn’t that scary.

Whew, that was exhilarating! I describe it like being inside the spin cycle of a washing machine.

Afterwards we warm up inside a hot tub and watch others go down the hill. There are two adorable kids from Auckland who are so enthused to go zorbing for the first time.


We did it!!

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While I was initially a little hesitant, this was an absolute blast and I’d love to do it again. Perhaps to try the dry zorbing experience where they strap you in and you roll upside down? We’ll see if another opportunity presents itself during my time in New Zealand.

I’ll leave you with a Facebook status update from my new friend Emma, whose zorbing experience ended with the death of a furry creature. Imagine this spoken in a posh British accent:

6 thoughts on “Zorbing New Zealand!

  1. “I truly apologize for that imagery.” HAHAHA you’re New Zealand humor is cracking me up. Love the video! So awesome!!!!

    RIP Bunny.

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